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Memphis, Tennessee, United States
Small town paralegal in the city. Once ran a law office, now being run by one. Med mal defense litigation. I think it's growing on me.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sharia Law and Civil Law in the UK

Have you ever heard someone state that law is boring, technical, not a diverse career field? I have to admit that a few of my non-legal friends think so. I don't hold it against them. Listening to legal professionals talk about work life is about as much fun as holding your head under water for ninety seconds. At first it isn't so bad, then suddenly you find yourself struggling to breath. By the end of the conversation, you feel like you will either explode or pass out.

Still, not all law falls into a shade of grey. At least in the UK, solicitors are finding interesting niches in which to practice. For instance, Asian Image reports that trainee solicitor Farah Razaq and paralegal Sidra Ghani will be offering family law services in conjunction with Sharia law advice to clients.

Says Razaq,“The new service will focus upon divorce in accordance with Sharia Law. Any male or female Muslim who needs a divorce in accordance to Sharia law can come to us and we’re here to provide services for them."

Talk about niche practice. I know very little about UK demographics, but it seems that a relevant percentage of its residents practice Islam to one extent or another. I'm sure followers of Sharia law in the UK will welcome a firm that is willing to provide civil law services while remaining ever mindful of religious implications.

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear that law services will be provided in accordance with Sharia Law. I'm sure the women are relieved. Ah, the reality of Sharia...oppression, burkas, and beheadings! What a wonderful world!

    In all seriousness, this is an OUTRAGE. I'd heard this before but didn't believe it could really be happening. Thank you, political correctness. Time to wake up, folks!
